PBA Winnipeg Rules and Regulations


·         Maximum of 15 players per team

·         All Players will be using the same number on their jersey from the start till the end of the season. Score sheets will be pre-printed.

  • Teams that are scheduled to play should be ready 20 minutes before the game. There will be a 5 minutes waiting period.
  • Four players can start the game. Not enough players before the 2nd half started the team will be considered DEFAULT.
  • There are 2 halves. There will be a 25 minutes running time per half. Last 3 minutes of 2nd half will be STOP TIME. If the lead is 10 points and over, the clock will not stop.
  • Clock will also STOP during TIME OUT (limit 30 seconds on TO). Time out must be requested by the coach at the scorer’s table. It is granted at the next stoppage of play or is scored upon. No time out between free throws.
  • There will be 2 time outs per half on regulation time. (no carryover) ALL DIVISIONS: 3 minute extension and 1 time out during OT, STOP TIME 2nd OT will be 2 minutes (no timeout), STOP TIME 3rd OT will be 1 minute (no timeout), STOP TIME-SUDDEN DEATH (first team to score wins).
  • Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and bandanas are NOT ALLOWED during the game, however, HEADBANDS/UNDER SHIRT matching their uniform will be allowed.
  • FOULS: Players foul out on the 5th foul (personal and technical). Flagrant Foul is 2 shot and possession of the ball at center court. Two technical fouls on a player or coaches will be an automatic ejection from the game. Penalty (bonus) is 2 shots on the 8th team foul per half.
  • SUBSTITUTION: All substitutions must be made at the scorer’s table. During free throws, substitution must be made before the first free throw and after the second made free throw.
  • DEFAULT TEAM: Any team that missed their scheduled game without any notice or  team did not show up will be DEFAULTED. There will be a fine of $100.00.  If the said fine not paid on the following Tuesday, the next schedule will be automatically suspended and might cause of their Team Termination. 2 Default games will be an automatic Team Termination. To avoid default games please notify by email at pbawpg@gmail.com or text at 204 2947921 with in 72 hrs of your next schedule game and must be approved by the Commissioner or by the Chairman of the LeagueNO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Some FIBA rules in effect. 24 seconds shot clock is also in effect at all times. 8 seconds to advance the ball into the front court. 5 seconds count only on player holding the ball anywhere on the court.

·         In case of a tie on standings, WINNER-OVER/or POINT SYSTEM will be in effect. (Points difference each other)

·         The TABLE COMMITTEE can STOP the game at any time to clear discussions. CLOCK will also STOP.

·         Any player that will intentionally HURT another player during the game will be automatically ejected from the game and will possibly face suspensions or banned from the league and penalty.

  • BENCH CLEARING: All members and players of the playing teams must stay in their respective benches should any brawl occur. Anyone joining the brawl in any capacity shall be assumed as acting unsportsman-like conduct and therefore be ejected from the game and face a possible suspension and penalty.
  • PROTEST RULES: Any judgment rendered by the referee shall not be subject to PROTEST. REMEMBER, “REFEREES DECISIONS ARE ALWAYS FINAL.” Any other protest must be submitted to the CHAIRMAN/COMMISSIONER/GYM Supervisor of the league, 10-15 minutes after the said game.
  • FULL COURT PRESS (FCP): No FCP when team is leading by 20 points or more. Only team that is trailing can do FCP.
  • REGISTRATION WAIVER FORM must be completed and signed by each player, coach, trainer, and manager.
  • NO TEAMS will be allowed to play until BALANCE OF REGISTRATION IS FULLY PAID. Registration fee for this year is only $1,350. This includes Manitoba Registration.
  • Team rosters become "FROZEN" after the start of a team's first game. New players are not permitted to be added after this point. NO EXCEPTIONS.

ZERO TOLERANCE (Referees and Staff)

There is a zero-tolerance policy in effect for the mistreatment of PBA Wpg Inc. staff (Referees, Scorekeepers, Timer, etc.). If it is found that an individual has been abusive (verbally or physically), he/she will be asked to leave the venue and will not be permitted to return for that session as well as all other PBA Wpg Inc. activities and events.

FIGHTING & EJECTIONS (Coaches and Players)

  • o    The first time an individual participates in a fight/inappropriate incidents or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during the PBA Wpg Inc. season, the individual shall suspended from participating in the team's next PBA Wpg Inc. season and/ or playoff game.

o    The second time an individual participates in a fight / inappropriate incident or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during PBA Wpg Inc. season, that individual shall be suspended for the remainder of the PBA Wpg Inc. regular season and/or playoffs and may/may not be able to participate in the future PBA Wpg Inc. season.


o    PROTEST RULES: Any judgment rendered by the referee shall not be subject to PROTEST. REMEMBER, “REFEREES DECISIONS ARE ALWAYS FINAL.” Any other protest must be submitted to the CHAIRMAN/COMMISSIONER/GYM Supervisor of the league, 10-15 minutes after the said game.

o    Teams being protested (based on concerns over the eligibility of players) must produce a legal documents issued by the government of Canada or Province of Manitoba or City of Winnipeg. A final decision will be made by the PBA Wpg Inc. administration and will not be subject to any further discussion. 


Men’s Elite:

·         No restrictions (Except players under 18 years old need Parents consent)

Men’s Open A:

  • Combination of:
    • 2 Filipino University players and 2 Filipino College players or
    • 1 Filipino University player and 3 Filipino College players or
    • 2 Filipino College players and 1 Non-Filipino player or
    • 4 Filipino College players.

Men’s’ Open B:

·         Only 2 Filipino College players can play at the time. A team can have one reserved College Player. (No Non-Filipino or Filipino University players are  allowed to be part of the team)

Men’s’ Open C:

·         No Filipino University/College player or Non-Filipino player allowed in the team.


  • Men’s Open Players are only allowed to play MAXIMUM of 2 (two) team within the Men’s Open Division.
  • No reserved or alternate players allowed

The PBA officials will have the right to review and approve each team roster.


39 and Over Division

·         A player can only be allowed to play in one division.

·       Late team registered/provided team roster will be automatically put to Division A.


General Rules

  • All games will be played under the current FIBA rule system.
  • Each team will be given 5 minutes to warm up and 2 minutes for half time.
  • Must have 4 players to start the game.
  • Four 10-minutes quarters stop time (Division: 13 and Older)
  • 13 and Older all types of defenses
  • Running Time Rule: If a team is leading by more than 20 points in the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter, running time will prevail.
  • 30- Second shot clock for ages 16U and under , which will be kept by the officials.
  • Each Team is responsible for cleaning the bench area after games.
  • FULL COURT PRESS (FCP): No FCP when team is leading by 20 points or more. Only team that is trailing can do FCP.

ZERO TOLERANCE (Referees and Staff)

There is a zero-tolerance policy in effect for the mistreatment of PBA Wpg Inc. staff (Referees, Scorekeepers, Timer, etc.). If it is found that any individual (payers/coaches/spectators) has been abusive (verbally or physically), he/she will be asked to leave the venue and will not be permitted to return for that session as well as all other PBA Wpg Inc. activities and events.

FIGHTING & EJECTIONS (Coaches and Players)

  • The first time an individual participates in a fight/inappropriate incidents or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during the PBA Wpg Inc. season, the individual shall suspended from participating in the team's next game PBA Wpg Inc. season and/ or playoff game.
  • The second time an individual participates in a fight / inappropriate incident or gets ejected (2 technical fouls) in a game during PBA Wpg Inc. season, that individual shall be suspended for the remainder of the PBA Wpg Inc. regular season and/or playoffs and may/may not be able to participate in the future PBA Wpg Inc. season.


  • PROTEST RULES: Any judgment rendered by the referee shall not be subject to PROTEST. REMEMBER, “REFEREES DECISIONS ARE ALWAYS FINAL.” Any other protest must be submitted to the CHAIRMAN/COMMISSIONER/GYM Supervisor of the league, 10-15 minutes after the said game.
  • Teams being protested (based on concerns over the eligibility of players) must produce a legal documents issued by the government of Canada or Province of Manitoba or City of Winnipeg. A final decision will be made by the PBA Wpg Inc. administration and will not be subject to any further discussion. 



  1. Game clock will be stop in case of injury.
  2. Only five (5) fouls are allowed on each player.
  3. Referees decision is final.
  4. No swearing.
  5. When a defender undercut an opposing player during a jump shot it will be an automatic technical foul.
  6. All spectators are restrained from shouting at any players on the court. Spectators not following this rule will be ask to leave the gymnasium.     
  7. Only players, coaches, assistant coaches, are allowed on each bench. A maximum of three (3) coaches are allowed. One head coach and two assistant coaches.
  8. Any concern from the parents regarding the game should be address to each respective coach and assistant coaches
  9. Team rosters become "FROZEN" after the start of a team's first game. New players are not permitted to be added after this point. NO EXCEPTIONS.


  1. Each team is allowed one (2) stop time 30 second time-out in each half.
  2. Unused time out in the first half cannot be carried over to the second half.
  3. Only the coach can call a timeout from the score table, on dead ball.


  1. When scores of both teams are tied at the end of the regular time, a three (3) minutes stop time and go overtime period will be in effect with each team allowed one (1) time out. No carry-over of time-out from regulation.
  2. The second succeeding overtime will be two (2) minutes stop and go with NO TIMEOUT allowed.
  3. Third overtime sudden death (first team score wins) no time out.


  1. Two (2) free throws or bonus throw will be awarded starting on the 8th team foul per half. No more single bonus.


  1. Games are to start promptly at a designated time shown on the schedule.
  2. Five (5) minutes grace period will be allowed for the scheduled time of game.
  3. Less than five (5) players are not allowed on the second half unless foul trouble.


  1.  In case of a tie on standings, WINNER-OVER/or POINT SYSTEM will be in effect. (Points difference each other)


  1. TECHNICAL FOUL PENALTY. The penalty for a technical foul will be one free throw and possession of the ball with play being resumed with a throw-in at the center line extended, opposite the scorer’s table.
  2. DISQUALIFICATION. Any individual (player or coach) being assessed two technical fouls in a game will be disqualified.
  3. BACK OVER CENTRE. Control must be established in the front court. A team is in control in the front court when a player is touching his front court with both feet while holding, catching or dribbling the ball in his front court.
  4. Travelling- You are now allowed 2 1/2 steps when catching and finishing a lay up to the basket. See FIBA Rules 2017 Art 25.2.1 for more details.
  5. Unsportsmanlike fouls- They have to make an attempt to go for the ball if they want to foul somebody or it will be called unsportsmanlike foul with 2 free throws and a ball possession. Specifically if they are trying to stop fast break similar to NBA rules. But if you have a teammate already back on defence and you grab somebody while they're on a fast break, it will be called unsportsmanlike. See FIBA Art 37.1.1 for more details.
  • All teams GUARANTEED 10 games.
  • Registration Fee:
    • Club Team: $1,600.00 plus $200 Default Deposit (Club teams need to register to Basketball Manitoba) 
    • Adult Team:  $1,800.00 plus $200 Default Deposit (Refundable at the end of the season) (inclusive of Basketball Manitoba Insurance)


Revised: October 2024 (Season's 2024-25