Philippine Baskeball Association Winnipeg Inc. (Aka. Lipenos)
The Philippine Basketball Association Inc. (aka. Lipenos) was founded in October 2001 mainly to assist youth in our community to discover their potential in playing the sport of basketball. Along the way, it has become a means for building their self esteem and confidence, overcoming peer pressure, developing teamwork, unity and sportsmanship. It encourages play in a healthy competition atmosphere and leading a healthy lifestyle. At the same time it promotes cultural awareness. PBA WINNIPEG mission is to ensure these young people are able to participate in local, regional and national tournaments to enhance and cultivate their skills.
The league starts on Fall to Winter around November to April and May depending on the team registered. We have Tykes (Coed), Peewee, Bantam, Midget (Boys & Girls), Ladies Open and Juvenile Boys open for all Club Teams and Adult Men's for All-Filipino.